Monday, December 04, 2006

Parallel Lines(draft Two)

What is the point to discuss if we keep walking in two parallel lines?
Two lines are with a great distance and never come across.

How could I build a bridge to communicate you and me?
While your walls are so adamant,
There is not even a window or a door
There is no sign or guide
There is

How could I knock down your wall to communicate with you
if I am not stronger
More articulate than you?
I am not qualified the better condition than you and you are not helping me out?

Yeah, how could I hope that you are helping me out since you are not even aware there is a great distance between us.

I thought I have already grown from the relationship between you and me,
And I would have never suffered the pain and be hurt by you anymore
However, while you are even denying my attitude,
I could not calm myself anymore.
The tears are just breaking the dam
Falling cats and dogs

Today I knew what so beautiful about the beach
The graceful parallel horizontal lines which keep the peaceful distances between each other and have never came across.
Water is water
Sand is sand
Air is air
There are not any matters in between the two.

Yeah, it is my fault.
A fault puts me and you into this odd situation.
Our meeting is an absolutely fault.

It is impossible to discuss if we stand at two parallel lines.

Keeping distance
is the most beautiful thing.

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