Monday, December 11, 2006

Parallel Lines (draft three)

We were put into a room for thirty minutes
To come across something

The conversation was like two parallel lines
Two lines were with adamant great walls
Two lines had difficulties to conversation on same point at the same time

One sentence was threw out
Another voice was adding footnotes
Cloze tests are here and there
Misunderstanding took place in-between every second
Chaotic conversation deafen the real discussion

It was not even started
The time was up
I was frustrated

Once again, 30 mins was in vain.
Unskillful verbal conversation as I am
Makes culture boundaries be naughty again and again

I still could not figure out how wide the gap is
I still could not work out how I could build a bridge to cross.

Maybe all of these were wrong at the very beginning.
Maybe mixing parallel lines is a fault.

Maybe being simple is beautiful
Maybe keeping distance is amazing.

Maybe discussion is not needed
And maybe listening is needed.

Parallel lines should be continually paralleled
The gap should be understood

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