Saturday, July 29, 2006


By hearing the news of the war from middle east rescently,
I have been really painful.
My heart have been weeping everyday
So many questions flow into my mind make me hardly breathe.

Why people can not realize killing people is not the way lead to peace?
Why people can not understand having a war just make people to hate each other even more??
Why people can not listen to the voice different from them?
Why people can not stop representing the others in theirselves projection of fear?
Why people can not stop being so superiority, and think from the other people's position?
Why people can not stop having the desire of controling the other people?
Why people can not see the oppression rised because of the unfair world?
Why people can not see how they trample down the other people and always ask why other people always angry at me?
Why people can not see themselves might be wrong?

Why people can not let the world be equal?
Why people can not let the other be themselves?
Why? WHy? WHy? WHy? WHy??

Why people can not learn, and always let the blood run over the earth?????
Tell me why?

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