Thursday, May 18, 2006

Hey, look at that picture...

There are two things that I really like about the picture posted by "now".

The first one is that most people in that train are reading something. I think it fits our group very well, because it combines the idea of writing/reading with the idea of the journey. I like to think of writing as the exploration of a(n unsafe) territory. Who knows where we all are going... there's no way to know it because you can't see it from the window. You have to travel to know.

The second thing is that there's a kid, just after the threshold, holding a colorful toy in his hands... Creativity is a playful colorful journey!

I think these are two powerful images to start a story.

I think we should all try writing something that starts from this photograph!

1 comment:

學子 said...

Obviously, the picture was not taken in a London tube as it's so clean and spacious. (haaa haaa ... ...) As a non-native English speaker, starting my journey in English writing is just like travelling in a completely strange environment (an unsafe territory). And this writing workshop is like a clean, spacious and comfortable train which I can relax and try to enjoy my fear of English writing with lovely passengers around me.

{{ : )